It's never too early to begin planning for the camping meet-up again for the FRVTA Supershow Rally at the Tampa RV Supershow January 16-21, 2024. The meetup at the rally was a memorable one for sure two months ago and I'm pretty certain that the power issues will not be repeated next year. By now, all those that attended with us in January should have received their refunds from the FRVTA. We had a great group go in January and I already have plans in place for making it an even better experience next year. The FRVTA Rally tickets typically go on sale in October, so put it on your calendar to be ready to snag your spot as the tickets usually sell out by two weeks. This past event I had a waiting list of folks trying to get a spot at the last minute and we were unable to get them into the rally with us. We've got lots of time to plan, but with so many new people joining our community, I figure it's never too early to get it on your calendar. Let me know here if you want to join us for a scout group camping meetup for the Supershow Rally on-site at the Tampa RV Supershow next year. It'll be another fun time indeed!

Posted by Lucy Seijas at 2023-03-22 18:58:51 UTC