In this week’s YouTube episode, we’re hanging out with our friends, Less Junk, More Journey. Jess and Marissa are going back to school at Lippert ‘s RVOS (RV Owner School) at their Tech Institute while Nathan and Corey are ditching class!😂 #ladiesofrvos Jess joins Grand Design RV ‘s Impact Team to give 10 girls the prom of their dreams, and we join RV Industry Association for their Emerging Leaders Coalition’s 2nd annual volunteer day at Oxbow Park! #servwithpurpose We go over a little RV etiquette and see why sometimes you should avoid your principles!😳 Full video here: #gdrv4life #gmc #lippert5 #rvos #school #rvlife #camping #travel #adventure #rvrepair #rv #itsbetteroutside #fos #lessjunkmorejourney #education #howto #trucks #diesel

Posted by Finding Our Someday at 2023-06-02 00:44:48 UTC