Hey guys, hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th. Wanted to run something by you guys. Our last trip, when we were leaving. I went to unplug the trailer from the surge protector and found that it was really hard to unplug. After struggling with it for a few minutes, I got it apart. One of the prongs must’ve sparked at some point and melted it together. Here’s the question would you replace the whole cord, just the head portion or would you switch to the newer style where the cord fully disconnects? Already in scouts, but thought I’d put it here too. As an update yes, I do turn off breaker before plugging in and unplugging. We have had kids run through the site and catch it and rip it out of the pedestal. Don’t know if that happened this time and they just plugged it back in. Also the surge protector lights still read all green.

Posted by James Wilson at 2022-07-05 23:57:09 UTC