APP TASK number 2 (out of 4!)--Who's ready for some trivia!? Get to know your Lippert Team & Ambassadors in the "Meet Your Lippert Team" folder. You will be able to answer the trivia questions in this form (👉 with all the good info in there! Filling out this Trivia game puts your name in the bucket for more chances to win epic PRIZES! 🙌 (names will be drawn for prizes and announced on Friday!) AND, and can learn a little more about your Lippert CX Team!!! (Who remembers what CX stands for????) ⏲️You have until midnight to complete this task! 💥Bonus points for sharing something you learned/found interesting about a Lippert Team Member in the comments! 😀

Posted by Deleted (f27dc564) at 2022-07-12 19:30:29 UTC